Meet Ellie

I am the daughter of a master coach: my Mother, who built a brick-and-mortar yoga studio decades ago.

As I grew up on rural land, I watched her build a six-figure business from the ground up; one that served her clients and students in yoga, teacher training, and life coaching.

Watching her build a massively successful business showed me that of course I could make it as an entrepreneur.

In hindsight, watching her build it all was pivotal. But watching her lose it all - her health, her marriage, her country home, and as the pandemic hit, her business…was one of the most painful experiences of my adolescent life.

It wasn’t just her career I had an eye on. I worked for her, and eventually alongside her, as a yoga teacher and then a retreat co-host. I listened as women in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s all told a version of the same story - some combination of struggling wealth, cold marriage, resignation to burnout or addicted to the grind.

I refused to believe this was the only way.

Having already studied Accounting and English, I continued….studying not just sales and marketing, but also Tantra. Intuitive eating. Hormone health + cycle syncing. Somatic healing.

Keys and tools that allow women to work with the tension and trauma in their bodies so that they’re no longer inhibited from taking bold, consistent action.

Perspectives and teachings that unlock the full, primal and impactful Womanhood that allow brilliant women to craft multi-faceted wealth that all feed each other.

It’s my work to bring it all to you.

To support your biggest, edgiest dream. To watch you walk through your own limits.

To watch you ignite, then practice, confidence. Love.

Wealth. Turn-on.

Purpose. Service.

The life that you’re here for…

It’s yours, babe.

The chance to support you on the way there?

That’s my favorite work on the planet.